You are here: Working with packages > Creating a package

Creating a package

You can create a package either by:

In both cases, you select a publishing job to process the collection. The publishing job specifies where and how the package will be created.

You create a package by first selecting some or all of the items that you want to include in the package and then create the package.

To create a new, empty package:

  1. In the view bar, click Collections. The Collections view appears.
  2. In the Collections ribbon, click New collection. The NEW COLLECTION dialog box appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Package options
Option Description


Type the name of the package as you want others to see it.

Collection type

Select Package.

  1. Click OK. The package appears in the list of collections.
  2. Add documents to the package the same as if it were a collection as described in Creating and editing a collection.

To convert an existing public collection into a package:

  1. In the view bar, click Collections. The Collections view appears.
  2. In the collections list, right-click the name of the collection that you want to convert and then click Change to Package on the context menu that appears. A confirmation dialog box appears.

  3. Click YES. The EDIT dialog box appears.
  4. On the PROFILE page, click options or type values using the descriptions in the preceding table.
  5. On the DESTINATION page, click options or type values using the descriptions in Exporting a package.
  6. Click OK to save your changes without exporting the package. To save your changes and export the package, see Exporting a package.

Related concepts

Working with work packages

Related tasks

Viewing and editing a package

Adding and removing items from a package